Igår tittade jag på underbara
Förnuft och känsla med bland annat Emma Thompson och Hugh Grant. Min absoluta favoritscen, som alltid gör mig tårögd (och jag har sett filmen minst 10 gånger), är när Edward Ferrars kommer till Dashwoods efter att de tror han har gift sig och Elinor bryter ut i glädjetårar.
Edward Ferrars: My heart is, and always will be, yours
Andra oförglömliga citat:
Elinor Dashwood Whatever his past actions, whatever his present course... at least you may be certain that he loved you.
Marianne: But not enough. Not enough
Elinor Dashwood: What do you know of my heart? What do you know of anything but your own suffering? For weeks, Marianne, I’ve had this pressing on me without being at liberty to speak of it to a single creature. It was forced on me by the very person whose prior claims ruined all my hope. I have endured her exultations again and again whilst knowing myself to be divided from Edward forever. Believe me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence I could have provided proof enough of a broken heart, even for you.